Time To Go Home
Happy Monday! We have just returned home from vacation. It was a little longer than normal and took some dips along the way. Some changes to our plans had to…
Happy Monday! We have just returned home from vacation. It was a little longer than normal and took some dips along the way. Some changes to our plans had to…
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate…
Happy Monday! I have a great deal of respect for the young man who wrote this. He was pastor of the church my mom and dad went to for many…
Happy Monday! Sometimes little things creep into our heart and mind. Something so small we hardly even notice it. Unfortunately, that little thing can take root and grow very quickly…
“These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor – and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our…
Happy Monday! This summer has begun with a bang! Very busy and on the go. Even though I know better, sometimes that busyness begins to interrupt where my focus should…
Happy Monday! Do you ever read something and think “Wow. Wish I had thought of that!” That’s how I felt when I read the analogy of the quilt and the…
If I Were Your Enemy: Top 10 Favorite Strategies (Excerpts from “Fervent” by Priscilla Shirer) Happy Monday and God bless you! It’s a great day to be thankful for all we have. Have…