About Us 

New Song Community Church                                   

Pastor Derick Dimry

118 McClendon St                                                     

Lady Lake, FL 32159                                                                                     


Sunday School ~ 9 AM

Sunday Services ~ 10 AM

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Who we are:

New Song Community Church is a family of “Jesus followers” and was founded by Pastor Tom and Jean Ash.

New Song is affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are part of a Christ-centered family of more than 6 million strong.

Our Acts 1:8 family, inspired by Jesus’ love and empowered by His Spirit, is passionate to bring the good news about Him to our neighborhood and to the world.

The New Song Family endeavors to let the love and warmth of Jesus flow from heart to heart. In doing so, we fulfill Jesus’ words found in John 13:35 –By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another.”

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Our Building’s History

Our place where we worship together is an old fashioned church built by Equity Baptist Church in 1893 and we have the oldest active original bell in Lady Lake.

Reverend A.E. Cloud was the minister back then. Each family had a personal pew in the church and paid the church for its use.   A short pew, in the back of the church, was reserved for the only “Afro-American” man who attended services. His pew has been preserved  and can be seen at the Lady Lake Historical Museum.