Say No to Say Yes
Happy Monday!
It’s the last Monday of the month already! Time just keeps flying on. Do you remember when you were waiting to turn 16, 18 and 21, but it took FOREVER to get there? I do! Sometimes, we need a reminder of where we came from, where we’ve been and where we are going.
That’s how it is with The Daniel Plan too. I love going back and reading the book of Daniel. What a strong, courageous young man he was! He took a stand for what he believed in and never backed away. In the face of his captors, he still stood strong.
Every day of our lives, in everything we do, we make choices. Those choices can be based on many things, but hopefully, include a strong dose of faith and focusing on what is true and good for us and those around us. Do you make those choices on your own or do you rely on God’s guidance? All that we do, say and think is going to affect us in our daily lives, our eternal lives and the daily, and even eternal lives of others.
Sometimes, in order to make the right choice, we have to say no to something in our old life in order to make way to the abundance of saying yes in our new life! The abundance of health, love and the joy that our life in Christ brings.
Pray Unceasingly!!
In His light,
Say No to Say Yes
The Daniel Plan
The king assigned them a daily amount of food and wine from the king’s table…. But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. —Daniel 1:5, 8
Daniel was a captive in a pagan country, a young man forced to serve another country’s government. He obediently went into their training program but insisted on eating only food that was kosher under Jewish law. This was an essential part of his Jewish faith—and essential to operate at his best. He had the courage to stand up to his captors, even though they didn’t understand his commitment, and seek an arrangement that would satisfy them without defiling himself.
When we commit ourselves to The Daniel Plan lifestyle, we will sometimes have to say no to an old way of living in order to say yes to caring for the body and soul God has given us. We’re saying yes to abundance, yes to health, and yes to having the energy to serve him. What will you say yes to today?
Food for Thought: Sometimes we need to say no to something in order to say yes to God.