Happy Monday! 

 It’s a new day, a new week, a new month and in six more days, it will be a new “time”! (Don’t forget to change your clocks)

 I was thinking about this and wondered how many times I have wasted an opportunity to make a difference in the world around me.  Sometimes, I pass up the opportunity to pray for somebody, right there and right then.  Sometimes, I pass up the opportunity to share the gospel, not knowing the difference it could possibly make in another person’s life.  How many times have I been out and about and being so focused on my own agenda that I missed the pain in someone’s eyes or the fact they could just use a helping hand from someone who cares.  There are also times that just a simple smile and a “God bless you” could turn around another person’s day and make it so much better! 

 How often do we miss opportunities to be “Jesus in skin”?  It really is all those little things that can make a difference.  What if we all committed to doing at least one act of kindness every day?  What a difference we could make! 

 Don’t waste another minute and find you are living with regrets for not doing these small things!  Many small things soon turn into a big thing! 

 Call on the Lord for guidance then be obedient.  Be still and just listen, then act on His Word! 

 Have a beautiful and blessed week! 

 Pray unceasingly!! 
