• Image result    Advent – Week One: Hope

In this first week of Advent, we reflect on the tension of the already-but-not-yet; of being sure of the hope that we have, but of having but a small taste of that which has been promised.

The nation of Israel, God’s chosen people, had heard from God through the patriarchs and prophets since its very beginning. He had taught them how to live life in the very best way, life lived close to Him and to others. But the people of Israel had rejected God and did whatever was good in their own eyes.

God sent prophets to warn Israel of what would happen if they continued to rebel against God. Prophets also foretold of a new covenant God would make with his people. They pointed people to a coming Messiah, an eternal king who would fulfill this covenant, save them, and rule forever.

Despite the warnings of the prophets, the people of Israel stopped listing to God and God did not speak to humans again for 400 years. And it is against this backdrop that we begin our first week of Advent, wondering with the Israelites what God is going to do and how he is going to fulfill his promises.

In a similar way, though Jesus has already brought about our salvation by his life, death and resurrection, we eagerly await with great hope the day when he will come again and fulfill all of his promises and put the world to rights.