Happy Monday!
I was going to do a different article for today. I had my part written and was all ready to put it on the website and send it out. When I did the paste into the site, it wouldn’t work. No matter what, it wouldn’t work. When I went back to my document, I ended up losing the entire thing. When I went back to my options for articles, the original one just wasn’t calling to me, but this one was.
I believe that sometimes God gives us a nudge in a different direction than we thought we were going. I hope I am always open to those little nudges. Maybe, just maybe, there is someone that needs to hear this message today and not the other one.
Pray Unceasingly!!
In His light,
A Steadfast Mind
The Daniel Plan
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. —Isaiah 26:3
A steadfast mind is crucial, because whatever gets your attention gets you. Your life will flourish if you simply stop focusing on what you don’t want and start focusing on what you do want. If you stop focusing on what’s bad for you and start focusing on what’s good for you. If you stop focusing on what everybody else wants you to do and start focusing on what God wants you to do.
No matter what handicap you have, you can be healthier than you are right now. But there are choices to make.
Choose to do things that will increase your energy.
Choose things that will lower your stress and bring more power and more health in your life. Eat better, get more sleep, and prioritize what’s important.
Be steadfast about every choice and trust God for the results.
Food for Thought: You’ll find peace when you are steadfast about your choices and your focus.