Election – Check!  Thanksgiving and Christmas – Be here before we know it!  New Years – New Start!

 On January 5th, we will once again begin The Daniel Plan – 40 Days to a Healthier Life.  Between now and then, we will be touching on how to get prepared.  We will be talking about cleaning out your pantry, healthy shopping and the reason we just go on and on and on.  The class may be 40 days more or less, but this is a lifestyle change.  Not for 40 days or a couple of months, but on and on!  It is when you get all the junk out of your system that you begin to FEEL the change!

 If you live the change, you should start seeing noticeable changes.  Better lab reports, less medications needed, improved skin and the MOST noticeable of all, the heart and soul change.  It really isn’t just about us.

 TDP is based on five essentials: Faith – Food – Fitness – Focus and Friends.  It’s not just a diet, nor is it just a Bible study.  It’s about focusing on these key essentials and changing your life, one choice at a time.

 Take note of the word “choice”.  Like most things in our lives, our choices help determine all that we do and the outcome of those choices.  What we put in our bodies, whether it is through our minds or through our stomachs will affect what comes out of our minds and bodies.  If it is garbage, full of poisons and toxins, then that is what others will see from us.

 Our bodies are the temple of God.  What if every time we eat something or do something we do it as in presenting it to God as an offering to Him.  Will He see it as an acceptable offering?  Will it glorify God?

 Pray Unceasingly!

 In His light,


Why We Do What We Do

The Daniel Plan

 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. —1 Corinthians 10:31

 It takes energy to forge new habits. Energy comes from motivation. The “why” determines how long you will persevere in pursuing a prize. The reason determines your motivation.

 Here are two truths to remember when you feel like giving up: First, remember the reason you’re getting healthy—you’re doing it for the glory of God. He cares about your health because he wants to use your life to change the world.

Second, remember the reward: better physical health, more strength and energy, a sharper mind, deeper friendships, and stronger faith.

 Focus on your purpose, not your problems. Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal. If you want to accomplish your goals, remember the reason and the reward.

What is a new habit you want to adopt? What is your reason? Your reward?

 Food for Thought: Aiming for glorifying God will give you the strength to persevere in your journey toward health.