Happy Monday!

 This summer has begun with a bang!  Very busy and on the go.  Even though I know better, sometimes that busyness begins to interrupt where my focus should be, on Jesus.

Worse yet, my devotion times get discombobulated and so do I.  When that happens, the calm peace in Jesus, that I enjoy so much, falls by the wayside…

It’s easy enough to see it coming, I get cranky and always behind.  My patience is long gone.  That’s when I know it’s time for a “peace” tune up!

Back to sunrise devotions on the porch.  My favorite time and place, other than sunrise over the ocean.  There is just something so amazing watching God’s awesome creation and artwork!  It literally pulls the stress from me.  When I add in the Word of God and ponder on it, I realize I have overcome the enemy once again.

That’s what he does, he snatches our peace before we even realize his presence.  He whispers to our subconscious that life is unfair.  That, my friend, is an immediate wakeup call!

Be aware and be certain!  Love your God with all your heart, your soul and your mind!

Pray Unceasingly!!



 Becky at So Very Blessed <becky@soveryblessed.com>

Perfect peace.

That’s been my goal this week.

There are a bunch of practical tips that can help you experience more peace.

Deep breaths

Less screen time

Bubble baths

Gentle stretching

Carving out time for conversations with dear friends

And that kind of peace feels really nice…to an extent. But what about the perfect peace?

A peace that touches your heart on a deeper level than you can even comprehend. The kind of peace that is available in even your most stressful moments.

The type of peace that can only come from the Lord.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” – Isaiah 26:3

This week, I chose to memorize this verse from Isaiah as my first step on this quest to experiencing perfect peace.

I’ve been writing these words again and again in my prayer journal, reciting them out loud, and drawing swirly letters to help the words sink into my mind and into my heart.

And it’s working.

It’s not a quick fix, but I can’t even tell you how many times this week I’ve started to get pulled away from that peace with distractions, frustrations, and busyness and had these words whispering their Truth to gently call me back….keep your mind steadfast….trust in the Lord…stay anchored to Him…He will keep you in perfect peace.

I haven’t memorized Scripture in far too long and I’m so glad I came back to it this week. God’s Word never returns void.

Write it.

Speak it.

Draw it.

Sing it.

Journal it.

Do anything to keep God’s Word at the forefront of your mind and as the anchor for your soul. 💜

