The Daniel Plan

 Keep on going, one foot in front of the other, I WILL not give up!  This has become my daily mantra.   Some days are easy and others are very hard and I just want to give up.

Apparently, I am not unique here.  I was having one of those days when I came across this article.  I think what it finally comes down to, for me, is why I am trying to eat right.  There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is that I really want to be a good caretaker of what God has given me.  I have messed up many times in my life and I don’t want that to continue.  As I have said before, I am really trying to turn the genetic trend around and stay HEALTHY.  I want the weight loss, but I need the HEALTHY!

 Every morning I pray that God will give me the strength to do what my body needs.  Ironically, this applies in every area of my life!  I am living proof that I can’t do it on my own.  One foot in front of the other.  I’m NOT giving up!


One Foot in Front of the Other

The Daniel Plan

“I’m staying on your trail; I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I’m not giving up. “
—Psalm 17:5 MSG

Dr. Mark Hyman says that what you put on your fork dictates whether you are sick or well, slim or fat, depleted or energized.

With all that riding on what you eat, it would be easy to feel overwhelmed. But there’s no pressure to change instantly; gradual change over time is sustainable. Just put one foot in front of the other. There’s plenty of grace while you are in the process.

When you have a bad day, what matters is that you decide to get back on track and that you don’t give up.

What do you tend to do when you have a bad day, when you feel lousy or you eat the wrong foods because you’re busy or stressed?

Be gracious with yourself, because God is gracious with you. Over time you will have more good days than bad ones, and the changes will be long-lasting for your health.

Food for Thought: God is gentle with you while you are in the change process. Our goal is progress not perfection.