Happy Monday!

I am a relatively new fan of Lysa Terkeurst, but the more I read, the bigger fan that I become.  She gives me a perspective that I may not have looked at before and should.

I thought this little blog was so very fitting for the time we are in.  Between the pandemic and all that is going on around us, sometimes it just feels so hopeless.  The “hard of today” can become overwhelming.

I have to remind myself, over and over, that “the hard of today” isn’t what my day is unless I allow it to be.  What my day really is, is what God gives me for that day and how I choose to handle it.

If it becomes too much for me, I believe He is telling me to lean on Him, it is never too much for Him.

I am working on differentiating between concern and worry.  I have many concerns but I don’t have too many worries.  Does that make sense?

God is just SO very GOOD!  He is faithful and right there when I need Him.  I have found I have needed Him a lot more lately.

Isn’t it wonderful to know there is someone who is always there?  No lunch breaks, no weekends off or vacations, He is there every day, every hour.  Thank you, Jesus!

Pray Unceasingly!!


Lysa TerKeurst

  Sometimes the hard of today… the unexpected phone call, the frustrating meeting, the shocking diagnosis, the hurtful conversation… can leave us fearful about tomorrow.

I know how consuming those kinds of worries can be, especially when it feels like we’re dealing with one thing after the next. I also know that when our hearts hurt and life gets really hard, we need reminders of God’s goodness. And I’ve found that declaring the Word of God increases my trust in God.

Here is a declaration I wrote based on Psalm 112:7 that we can declare out loud tonight. Because when we express God’s Truth, we depress the enemy’s lies.

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” Psalm 112:7

I declare right now that I will not fear bad news or hard things that I may face. They do not have any control over my heart or my relationship with Jesus. Instead, I will cling to God’s Truth, which never changes with the news I receive. Truth is what I will build the foundation of my life upon! Yes, my heart belongs to the Lord and I fully trust in Him, even when my feelings beg me to doubt His goodness. Feelings don’t have the final say; Truth absolutely does.