Happy Monday!

Have you found yourself feeling disconnected spiritually?  Especially during the overwhelming times of the past 18 months or so?

Have there been times that you felt like you had forgotten how to talk to our Father, or even that, if you did, He didn’t hear?

This is something I try to actively work on, but still, it seems to happen occasionally.

I KNOW He never walks away.  I THINK that sometimes He wants us to use what we have learned from His word and His promises to actively honor Him.  I also believe He wants us to actively believe and lean on Him.  It’s through this relationship that we grow closer to Him.  As you grow closer in your relationship, you discover that you either find the words needed or realize that you are covered even when you don’t!  Thank you, Jesus!

Pray Unceasingly!!



Lysa TerKeurst

Have you ever found yourself longing for a deeper connection with God but you just aren’t sure where to even begin?

If you’re worried I’m going to tell you I have a long and overwhelming list of things I do every day to feel closer to Him… don’t be. Honestly, I just ask Him to renew me and shape me into the woman I need to be as I get into His Word. And I commit to following hard after Him, no matter what.

This helps me grow ever closer to God—pressing into Him so He makes the deepest impression on me.

I’ve also learned if I want to grow closer to God, I have to distance myself from whatever is distracting me. I have to lay aside whatever I am prone to delight in more than Him.

Let’s ask God which distraction we need to distance ourselves from in order to grow closer to Him, and then let’s do the hard and holy work of denying ourselves. Because a deeper level of intimacy with Him will always be worth the cost.

Here is a prayer we can lift up today…

Lord, show me what stands in the way of intimacy with You, and give me the strength to lay it down — for a season or maybe even forever. I long to be closer to You. No matter the cost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.