Happy Monday!  It’s GREAT to be back!

Is everyone else feeling as blessed as I am right now?   We have just weathered (pun intended) a massive hurricane that missed us by just a few miles!  It was our first one being here and despite all of our preparations, I was doing some fervent praying too!  There has been so much devastation along the coastline, but compared to places like Haiti, what we received was minimal.  If you are one who asks “why?”, talk to Pastor Tom.

 We just returned from an amazing trip to San Antonio where we were able to spend time with a son and our youngest grandson.  As a footnote, I had hoped this grandson, at 13, might be shorter than me for a little longer.  I was wrong!  They have all outgrown me now!  The time with them was precious.

The other reason we were there, and the reason for the timing of this vacation, still brings a tear to my eyes.  Our other grandson, Carson, whom some of you have met at church, graduated Air Force basic training.  This sweet baby boy, (who also outgrew me a few years back) the eighteen years old teenage boy that enthusiastically went on his way two months ago, traveled to adulthood.

The love and joy that I felt seeing the transformation in him dimmed when I looked into the eyes of Carson’s mom and dad.  They saw all the hard work, countless hours of delivering him here and there, hounding him to do homework, keeping him busy and taking him to church culminate in this remarkable, disciplined young man.  He didn’t always like it, but it worked.  They were glowing with love and happiness in his accomplishment!

This is the way life is.  We are works in progress.  We push ourselves and do everything we think is right and then FINALLY we see results.  The results are sometimes different than what we pictured, but may be bigger and better than what we imagined.  I believe God glows with love and happiness at our accomplishments too.  Carson’s dreams have been magnified.  Have yours?  Are your dreams Godly?  Do you have an ultimate goal?  Here’s a big one, have you asked God if your dream is according to His perfect will?

Everything we do, think and want is going to be determined by attitude and relationship with Him.  Make your dream worthy of the work and time He put into creating the very unique you!

 If you have a moment this week, I would appreciate your prayer.  I am so blessed that what I previously thought might be a problem with my previous hip replacements wasn’t.  They will do an MRI on Wednesday to check on probable sciatica.  It’s not deadly or anything, but is painful.  They hope it will be as simple as traction to help it.  That is my prayer.

Pray Unceasingly!

In His light,
