
Happy Monday!

November is a month traditionally known for “counting your blessings”.  Getting in the mindset of Gratitude can be hard sometimes.  Life happens and it’s not always pretty.  You may be struggling just to breathe and I am asking you to be grateful??

I understand.  I see people who are faithful about naming one thing, every day of the month, that they are grateful for.  I guess I’m not that disciplined.  I do try to sit down now and then, throughout every month, to list things that I am grateful for though.  What I have discovered, for myself, is that if I think of all that I have to be grateful for, I feel happy!  If I think of all of the things that I could be worried or sad about, I get depressed.  So why would I do that?

How about you?  Where is your mind?  I know how hard life can be but I believe, with God’s help, we can choose what our attitude will be.

“You need to understand that the enemy is not really after your dreams, your health, or your finances.  He’s not primarily after your family.  He’s after your joy. 

 The Bible says that ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength’ Jerehemiah 8:10 and your enemy knows if he can deceive you into living down in the dumps and depressed, you are not going to have the necessary strength – physically, emotionally, or spiritually – to withstand his attacks.” Author Unknown

I choose joy.

Pray Unceasingly!!

In His light,
