God is Love 4-1-19
Good morning!
I am doing this a little differently this week, so hopefully, it will go through okay and everyone will get it.
I was reading in Luke this week and a thought popped into my head. What would we not leave behind to follow Jesus? Could we walk away from family and friends, a home or career? Would we walk away from everything to follow Him?
In Luke 5:1-11, Jesus had crowds of people surrounding him, listening to the word of God. There were two boats on shore and the owners were washing their nets. He got into Simon’s boat and asked him to put out a little way from shore. He then sat down and taught from the boat. Afterwards, he told Simon to let the nets down for a catch. Simon explained they had been unable to catch anything all night, but he would do as he was asked. When he did, he caught so many fish the nets began to break! They signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help. When they came, they filled both boats with fish until they were about to sink. The fishermen were astonished! Jesus said “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Finally, with this catch, they could have gotten ahead, they left everything to follow Jesus. They were in the presence of Jesus and that was everything.
Too often, we pray, pray, pray to get over some hump, some problem, big or small. Then, when that prayer is answered, we walk away until the next time. Do we treat Jesus like Santa Claus? We get the gift, say thank you and walk away. Maybe we need to remind ourselves that it’s not what we get or have, but who we are in covenant with.
Pray Unceasingly!!
In His light,
God is Love
The Daniel Plan
No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. —1 John 4:12
If we want lasting change, we must fill our lives with love. Why? Because love can change the unchangeable. Love is the most powerful force in the universe, because “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
John doesn’t say God has love; he says God is love. Love is the essence of what God is. God is father, son, and spirit in an eternal relationship of love.
Love invigorates. Love revitalizes. Love renews. Love refreshes. Love heals. Love strengthens. Love gives you energy when you don’t have energy. Love empowers you when you don’t have the power. We need God’s kind of love if we are going to fulfill the purposes for which we were made.
So, as you seek lasting change today, invite God’s love to touch those areas of your life that need healing in a deeper way. Then look for opportunities to give that love away to others.