“Even If”

Where is your hope?

“I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone”

“Even If”  by Mercy Me


Feeling lost?

Get your GPS,

(God’s Plan of Salvation) Now I’m Found

The Donkey and Elephant

The donkey and elephant are fighting. Look to the Lamb for answers.

Golden Gate Cartoon

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Alliance Global Link Team

As we launch into this new year let me start with a hearty thank you for the continued recent gifts sent by your church in support of Alliance missions in December ($4,594.96) as coming from your people as an expression of their love for God and unreached people all around the world. That is awesome!

 As we head into 2017 I noticed on our website a list of 17 ways churches can grow their engagement with all that God is doing through the Alliance family globally. Clicking on this link will take you to the information, something that hopefully will not only bless you but be something you can share with your people through whatever means of communication works best.

 Again thank you for your partnership in the gospel as together we follow the Lord into some of the most challenging and least reached places on the planet…

Alliance Global Link Team

Monthly Missions Highlights for January 2017

Subject: Monthly Missions Highlights for January 2017
To our Missions Mobilizers;

Your Monthly Missions Highlights can be accessed on The Alliance Southeast Website: http://sedcma.org/Missions/MonthlyMissionsHighlights.aspx


Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study 

 7 PM  New Song Church Fellowship Hall

If the World Came to an End Tonight…

If the world came to an end tonight, where would you be?  Are you confident about where you would spend your eternity?  If not, pick up the phone and call a pastor, a church elder or a Christian friend who can answer any questions you might have.   We have no guarantee of tomorrow or even an hour from now.  Through Jesus Christ, we CAN have a guarantee of where we will spend our eternity.

If you don’t have a church home, we would love for you to join us at New Song.  Welcome home!