Cardiac Rehab – Dan Sites

Happy Monday!

I am very blessed in having some pastor friends who are also talented writers.  Dan is one of those.  He had posted this last week and I just really liked the message.  He was kind enough to let me borrow it.

How many of us are following the FITT Principle?  If we aren’t, maybe we are in need of a little cardiac rehab!  Increase the intensity as needed!

The funny part is that with each one of these, if you practice them diligently, others will benefit and I believe you will find that the benefits reflect right back on you!

I can truthfully say that when I put a little extra time into the FITT Principle, I feel healthier and happier.

Will you do a little cardiac rehab with us too?

Pray Unceasingly!!



There are only two more visits to the cardiac rehab center scheduled for me. Barring something unforeseen, I’ll finish next Wednesday.

Lest I fall back into some old bad habits, the folk there gave me several sheets of information regarding a healthy lifestyle. The one I received yesterday was on exercise and used what it called the FITT Principle. Being more interested in spiritual health than physical health, I came up with different ways to apply the words than did that handout. I humbly submit my imagination for good spiritual health.

F = Frequency. Exercise 4 – 6 days per week. Find some way to exercise spiritually – read God’s Word, pray, talk to someone about Jesus, perform some act of kindness for someone. Feel free to add other activities.

I = Intensity. Go deeper in your Bible study. Pray for more than just those on your “sick list.” Get out of your comfort zone when you choose a good deed. Stretch yourself.

T = Time. Increase the time you spend studying, praying, and serving others.  The old hymn speaks of the “sweet hour of prayer.” Have you ever tried that?

T = Type. There is a myriad of ways to spiritually exercise. Take a plate of cookies to your new neighbor. Rake the leaves for another neighbor. Visit the elderly in their various types of living situations. Sing some songs to/with your family. Volunteer at your church to teach or help with a Sunday school class or children’s worship. You’ll learn a lot from those kids! Really read and study.

God designed us to be healthy. Age and disease can decrease our physical health. The above approach may be able to help with our spiritual health. Are you willing to work toward better health spiritually? God will bless you if you do.

Dan Sites