A Steadfast Mind

We will soon wind up another season of Daniel Plan.  If anyone had told me when we started this that we would still be doing this 5 years later, I would have laughed at them. 5 years of meeting, emails ( roughly 268 of them!) , recipes, tears and joy.  This isn’t something that I have ever felt like was my “calling”, but God opened my mouth and here I am.  I guess if HE has a plan, I am along for the ride until He tells me something different.

Why has a “40 day plan” turned into a 5 year adventure, you ask?  Wow.  Where do I even start.  Maybe the best place to start is the bond of friendship I have gained with some very special people!  They will hold a place in my heart forever.  I cannot thank these wonderful ladies for supporting me through thick and thin and brain fog, which happens occasionally.  I pray for them daily and I know they pray for me.

We have learned so much.  The Daniel Plan is so much more than just food.  It’s a healthier relationship with food, with God, with others and with ourselves.  Sometimes ourselves is the really tough one.

We have learned a new attitude and that sometimes we have to backup, forgive ourselves and try again.  Sometimes, we just have to be kind to ourselves.

We have learned that we need to recognize that God has a plan for us that supersedes any that we might have for ourselves.  His plan is always going to be better than ours.

 And maybe the most important thing I have learned is that I have to CHOOSE to be healthier in body and in my relationship with Jesus.  What we put in our minds is what others see come out of us.  What we put into our bodies determines how healthy we will be.

I have heard people say that they don’t care what other people think of them, I have probably said it before too.  The truth is though, I do care.  I will never be a great theologian, I can’t remember scripture the way I would like, but what I can strive for every day of my life is to be an example of God’s love.  When I fail, I am not my failure.  I will persevere and be better because I have the peace of knowing I am a child of God.

Pray Unceasingly!!

In His light,


A Steadfast Mind

The Daniel Plan

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. —Isaiah 26:3

A steadfast mind is crucial, because whatever gets your attention gets you. Your life will flourish if you simply stop focusing on what you don’t want and start focusing on what you do want. If you stop focusing on what’s bad for you and start focusing on what’s good for you. If you stop focusing on what everybody else wants you to do and start focusing on what God wants you to do.

No matter what handicap you have, you can be healthier than you are right now. But there are choices to make.

Choose to do things that will increase your energy.

Choose things that will lower your stress and bring more power and more health in your life. Eat better, get more sleep, and prioritize what’s important.

Be steadfast about every choice and trust God for the results.

Food for Thought: You’ll find peace when you are steadfast about your choices and your focus.