8 Ways to Beat Your Junk Food Habit – Mark Hyman, MD
Happy Monday!
I went delving into the past to find this week’s article. I did this email in October of 2015 and it is just as true now as it was then. I will be printing it and hanging it up somewhere that I can’t ignore it!
I have changed a few words and the statistics are 7 years old so I would guess they have increased also.
Here we are at the beginning of the holiday season. Halloween is right around the corner. Not a big holiday at our house, but depending on where you live, this day may mean you have a lot of candy and other sweets around the house. Sometimes, this can give new meaning to “bet you can’t eat just one”! I have found that if I avoid sugar, I don’t crave sugar. If I eat sugar, look out because I want to eat more and more! We also have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. Two more holidays notoriously known for overeating! Have you ever found yourself lying around on Thanksgiving afternoon, barely able to keep your eyes open and overall, feeling WAY more stuffed than a turkey?? Ditto for Christmas. Carb and sugar overload!
God wants us to be good stewards of ALL He has given us and that includes our bodies. He gave us one, one body to last us, all of our lives on this earth. In these next couple of months, think of how you can honor God by being a better steward of everything He has blessed us with. What baby steps can we take to improve our health so we can serve Him better? It is only through His grace and mercy that we are here at all.
Pray Unceasingly
In His light,
Everything Is Connected – The Links Between the Mind and the Body
Everything is connected. Your entire body, and all of the core systems in it, interact as a single sophisticated symphony. You are one whole person and all of the pieces of your biology and your unique genetic code interact with your environment (including the food that you eat) to determine how sick or how well you are at this moment. This means your mind and your body are connected, as well. The body and the mind are a single, bi-directional system. What you do to one has enormous impact on the other. What you do to your body, you do to your brain. Heal your body and you will heal your brain.
8 Ways to Beat Your Junk Food Habit
Mark Hyman, MD
“I love junk food, and I can’t stop craving it,” a reader posted on my Facebook page. “What do I do?”
If you can identify with my reader, you’re not alone. Of the more than 600,000 food products – note I said food products, not food – 80 percent have added sugar.
We went from eating about 10 pounds of sugar per person, per year in 1800 to 152 pounds of sugar (and 146 pounds of flour) per person, per year today. Think about it: On average we eat about one pound of sugar every day!
Those sugar-loaded foods literally become drugs: Doses of sugar and flour that hijack our metabolism and make us fat and sick.
Many patients tell me once they dive into a box of chips or cookies, they literally can’t stop eating. Have you ever wondered why you would devour a box of cookies but you wouldn’t binge on wild salmon?
The reason isn’t because you lack self-discipline or are weak-willed. You are not emotionally weak or lazy. You are biologically addicted to sugar, and willpower doesn’t work here.
The good news is that I have something that does work. But let’s take a quick look at what created that addiction.
The Science of Sugar Addiction
A powerful study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proves that higher-sugar, higher-glycemic foods are addictive in the same way as cocaine and heroin.
Dr. David Ludwig and his colleagues at Harvard proved that foods with more sugar — those that raise blood sugar quickly or have what is called a high-glycemic index — trigger a special region in the brain called the nucleus accumbens. This is your brain’s pleasure center that, when activated, makes you feel good and drives you to seek out more of that feeling. This area becomes ground zero for conventional addictions such as gambling and drug abuse.
The study ultimately proved two things:
– Your body responds quite differently to different calories, even if the protein, fat, carbs, and taste are exactly the same.
– Foods that spike blood sugar are biologically addictive.
That addiction triggers a vicious cycle of hunger and cravings that sets the stage for diabesity and other chronic diseases.
Constantly eating sugary foods causes a spike in your blood sugar, which in turn, activates your brain’s pleasure center. This triggers more cravings, and drives you to seek out more and more of the substance that gives you a “high.”
You become powerless against your brain’s hardwired response to seek out pleasure. No wonder you feel trapped!
We are programmed genetically to crave sugar and refined carbs.
Why Your Junk Food Addiction Isn’t Your Fault
How long can you hold your breath underwater?
That might seem like a strange question concerning sugar addiction, but if I tell you to use your willpower to hold your breath for 15 minutes and that I will give you a million dollars if you do, there is still no way you can do this.
Sure, you might try, but you would fail. That’s because we are programmed for certain needs like air, water, food, and sleep. These things are essential to our survival. If you are addicted to sugar and I tell you to resist giving in to your cravings by using willpower, I might as well tell you to hold your breath for 15 minutes. It simply won’t work.
Nobody wants to be overweight or suffer the emotional or physical consequences of diabetes or obesity. But willpower simply isn’t enough to overcome the cravings for chips, cookies, soda, and more.
We’re up against powerful biochemical mechanisms created by food addiction. Willpower becomes useless when industrial junk food and sugar are in charge of your brain chemistry.
Fake foods that we’ve been introduced to in the 20th century – many of which contain high-fructose corn syrup and other added sugars – have hijacked our brains, our hormones, and our metabolism.
These Frankenfoods have literally created a vicious cycle of hunger and cravings. There is no such thing as junk food. There’s just junk, and there’s food.
I have a simple yet radical proposal: Let’s send the trillion-dollar junk food industry a message and eat real food. That means foods nature created, which don’t come with barcodes, fake ingredients, or an ingredient list at all.
To do that, we need to rewire our brains. A researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) told me the real regulator of our weight and metabolism isn’t our stomach, but our brain chemistry. The right foods send a message to your brain to shut down hunger and cravings so you burn fat and feel great. Sugary, processed foods send the opposite message.
The Right Mind Shift to Fight Cravings
Making the right choices to opt for real, whole, unprocessed foods becomes crucial to ditch the junk food habit, but so do your emotional triggers and emotional health.
Whenever you get a strong desire for a chocolate chip cookie or other junk food, ask yourself two questions:
– What am I feeling?
– What do I need?
What we need does not involve stuffing your face, I can assure you of that. We have a chance today to stop and detox, not only from junk food, but also from junk thoughts. We must de-clutter our bodies and our minds.
Breaking these addictions and rewiring your brain is easier than you might think. It doesn’t take weeks or months. These eight strategies can help:
1.) Eat real food. You need to eat fat and protein for each of your meals. Whole foods carbohydrates like veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds are perfectly healthy. Broccoli is broccoli. Processed, sugary junk foods are not real foods. They set the stage for sugar addiction and all its ugly consequences.
2.) Steady blood sugar levels. Eat a nutritious breakfast with some protein like eggs, protein shakes, or nut butters. Studies repeatedly show that eating a healthy high-protein breakfast helps people maintain weight loss. Also, have smaller meals throughout the day. Eat every three to four hours and have some protein with each snack or meal (lean animal protein, nuts, seeds, beans). Avoid eating three hours before bedtime.
3.) Ditch sugar. Go cold turkey. If you are addicted to narcotics or alcohol you can’t simply just cut down. You have to stop for your brain to reset. You must eliminate refined sugars, sodas, fruit juices, and artificial sweeteners from your diet. These are all drugs that fuel sugar addiction.
4.) Reduce stress. Stress eating and junk food go together. When you’re feeling stressed, you’re more likely to reach for that bag of chocolate chip cookies or whatever your vice might be. Learn to address the root cause of your stress and address it with something like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. My UltraCalm CD becomes a great way to melt away stress and anxiety and beat your junk food addiction.
5.) Exercise smartly. The next time you get a hankering for something sweet, walk it off… Literally! Besides creating a healthy distraction to avoid nose-diving into a pint of butter pecan ice cream, exercise tapers cravings and raises feel-good endorphin levels. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned athlete, you can find an easy-to-implement exercise plan here.
6.) Determine whether food sensitivities could be causing your cravings. We often crave the very foods that we have a hidden allergy to, including gluten dairy, and sugar.
7.) Sleep well. Ever notice you’re hungrier for something sugary after a terrible night’s sleep? Studies show lack of sleep increases cravings.