61 Pithy and Profound
Pithy and Profound: What Drives Missions
Why does mission work exist? Profoundly, because the love for God does not. We can carry this farther by injecting for love, words like: worship, rejoicing in God, Honoring God, Honoring Jesus, delighting in God, and the list can go on… Think about the Lord’s prayer in Matthew chapter 6. Our Father who are in heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. If we upheld God as Holy, we would hallow Him. We would also be Honoring Him, which would in turn Honor Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You can again substitute any of the words above here too. If all the people in the world loved and worshipped God, they would all delight in Him and there would be no need for missions or missionaries. Missions therefore exist because mankind does not know, honor, worship, hallow, or love God. Missions exist as a means to reveal God to the lost and to help them delight in the goodness of God and all His blessings. What drives missions? It is knowing God for all He is and the out following of His attributes through us that drives believers for those who do not yet know Him.
In Christ,