4 Steps to Defeating Your Giants – Pastor Rick Warren

Happy and blessed Monday!

I pray your week is starting out with joy and the full confidence of the Lord!

Have you done a faith check this week?  I’m not talking about your literal faith in God.  I’m talking about the daily walk and knowing He is with you every step of the way.  On a good day, there is no problem, but what about a day when everything that can go wrong, does?  When the giants seem to triple in size and seem insurmountable.  When no matter how hard you try, there is always someone waiting to tell you it’s wrong.  What about then?

It’s on these days that I sometimes forget that I can’t do it alone and try to anyway.  That’s instant defeat.  When I just put my faith in God and call on Jesus that I receive peace.  Do I always get the results that I hoped for?  Well, no.  Can I handle it when I don’t?  Yes.

Face the giants with the full armor of God and just see what happens.

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.  Hebrews 11:6 NIV

Pray Unceasingly!!



4 Steps to Defeating Your Giants

Pastor Rick Warren

God wants you to be a person of great faith with a great dream and a great life work. But first, you need to defeat the giants in life that hold you back.

How do you begin? You start by doing the four things David did to defeat the giants of delay, discouragement, disapproval, and doubt in his life. If you want to be a person of great faith—with a great dream and a great life work—do these four things too:

Remember how God helped you in the past. When you remember the ways that God has helped you in the past, you have confidence for the future.

Use the tools God has given you in the present. Don’t wait for something you don’t have—money, education, or connections. Use the tools God has already given you to face your giants with confidence.

Ignore the dream busters. Encouraging yourself in the Lord does not mean just having a positive mental attitude. It means cultivating a bedrock trust in God’s grace, provision, security, and power.

Expect God to help you for his glory. God will use anyone who trusts in Him and expects to be used by Him—not because of who you are but because of who He is.