More Solid than Mountains

Happy Monday!

Sometimes, it is hard to find the inspiration for something to write.  Usually, when that happens, it’s when the circumstances around me make me sad.  Ironically, when I first started writing, it was sadness in my life that inspired me.  The problem now is when I see others in pain and there is nothing I can do to lessen that pain.   The past week has been that kind of week.  Several people I care for with illness and others I care for with loss.  My heart breaks for them all.

Throughout all of this, there has been one thing that every situation had in common though.  That is God’s love for each and every one of the people involved in these situations, including me.  Sometimes I say something the wrong way, or don’t say anything when I should.  And then there are times that, despite my good intentions, I say too much.  But He still loves me.  And He still loves you.

When life gets to be a little too much to handle or when you feel so bad (or sad) that it’s hard to push forward, meditate on the truth of God’s love.  A love so big and so solid that it can’t be destroyed.  Not for you.  Not for me.

No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you. He has not abandoned you.” Franklin Graham

Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.”  C.S. Lewis

16” For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16  (NIV)

Pray Unceasingly!!

In His light,


More Solid than Mountains

The Daniel Plan

Even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, my love won’t walk away from you.

Isaiah 54:10

Do you find it hard to believe the depth of God’s love? If it’s hard for you to reach out in love to other people, it may be that you are not secure in knowing that you are unconditionally loved. If you are secure in God’s love for you, you can handle the imperfect ways of other people. You can concentrate on loving them and not worry too much if they don’t make you feel deeply loved in return.

Meditate on this truth: God’s love for you is more solid than a mountain. Mountains are slowly worn down by rain, wind, sun, and snow, but nothing wears down God’s love. No earthquake will shake his love. Nothing bad you’ve done, no personality quirk or limitation of yours can undermine his absolute delight in you just the way you are. Let his love to enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

Food for Thought: Picture a mountain. God’s love for you is much taller and wider, and he promises that his love will never fail.